Sunday, September 24, 2017

The end of the tunnel is near

I'm at about 50% weight bearing and that is only after I've stretched my foot and ankle before I go for a stroll. I battle pushing myself and feelings of disappointment when I feel pain while walking on it. God consistently has been telling me to rest, don't rush and do not pick up the flesh that He has stripped away. I've learned so much in this season and as I am approaching the other end of this I am reminded to not fall back into what life looked like before my fall. My ankle is a wonderful example of what is happening to my spirit. Brokenness was necessary so that rest and reproof would give way to wisdom. However as physical healing takes place my flesh wants to pick up what has been stripped away. The want to clean, do for doings sake and not keep my focus on what glorifies God. My husband has been speaking on prayer the past three weeks at church and today he spoke about the church in acts. Prayer is what the disciples did immediately after Jesus ascended up into heaven. And then after going out and preaching the gospel three thousand believers were added to them. Then what did they do....

“They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
Acts 2:42 

This is what God is calling us to. Being devoted to learning His word, being in fellowship with other believers, having meals together and praying!  To often we have made our ministry a complex thing when it is truly this simple. For me since my life drastically changed the day I broke my ankle I have been forced to rest in the Lord. Reading His word and attending bible study. I've been forced to fellowship because I need help. I have a different lady from the church at my house everyday and we fellowship. Along with that fellowship we break bread together at lunch time. And I'm learning I must not forsake prayer. I have to admit prayer is something I too often overlook. It has become convenient for me. I never want my relationship with Christ to become convenient. He should always be my first priority. So pursue the Lord and never pick up what has been stripped away.

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