Monday, November 20, 2017

Here I am

Here I am in a season of excitement, learning, diving deeper and pining for truth. I am seeking who Jesus really is. Our culture is so wrapped up in “finding ourselves” and honestly I have for too long been wrapped right up in there with them. Who am I? What does God want for me today, tomorrow, next month or what’s His 5 year plan for me? Well....I’m learning the answer is found in Jesus. Who is Jesus, Really?  This is where the excitement comes in.  I can actually say I’m beginning to get to know my Jesus for the first time. Not what I want to make Him into. I am searching the scriptures to find out who He is. So far I have uncovered that He was before all things. He was in the beginning with God and all things were created by Him and for Him. Then He became human. Seriously, He stepped off of His throne in Heaven where He resided with His Father so that He could come to be fully human to show us the way. He loves us. Okay, okay so I’m not going to give you everything today but I do have to share one thing that just blew my mind. During Sunday school after a brother in Christ had mentioned Jesus’ plead for God to take this cup from Him  God spoke to me. As my Jesus cried out to our Father, tears of blood running down His face, it was so very clear to me His heart at that very moment. Jesus is fully God and fully man. Jesus knew what was to come and He knew why it had to happen yet in that moment as He was in fellowship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords He cried out for God to save Him from what was about to happen. See Jesus having not sinned once was going to take on ALL of our sins and not only that but ALL of God’s wrath  too. Ok yea ouch hard to swallow that but I believe it went even further than that. Because of this sin God (not being able to be any part of sin) would be separated from Jesus for three days. That is where I believe the angst came. Jesus could not fathom being separated from the Father for one moment let alone three days. Yet He loved us and wanted us to have a way back to Him. That my friends is where I am. I am yearning to be there. So greatly grieved over sin that I cannot fathom taking it on knowing God cannot be a part of it. Why would I choose sin over the God who has given me eternal life. Here’s to a few more blog posts coming your way about my Jesus. The real Jesus!!!! I’ve got to go do dishes before my husband comes home and I don’t want to forget to post this so I pinky promise I will put scripture references in my next post.