In college I received average grades in my general education classes but in my art classes I worked hard to get all A's. I enjoyed art school a lot and learnt so much, but the problem I ran into is being afraid of just making art. Enjoying the process of making it mine. I did start to find my style and made some great prices to build upon. Again, but I didn't start to really enjoy the process until after I received my diploma and the rules were thrown in the trash. I do try to keep some of the rules in the back of my mind, how does your eye move in this price, is it balanced, do the colors compliment or contrast, what is the content that I am wanting the audience to grasp before reading the description of the piece, and so on. But after being very discouraged about receiving a B my senior year in painting clas (which was well deserved because I simply painted aftraid and made some pretty horrible paintings), I wanted to run away from the paint brush. I decided against that and took a breath and started to paint. Blending my style of loving hard lines and bold bright colors I was able to make some paintings I loved. I was so impressed with myself that I contemplated sending photographs to my painting professor to show him I could paint something good. This same attitude and perspective applies so often in my walk with Christ as well. When I get a result I don't like after not putting my whole heart into following Gods will for my life I want to just quit. But when I take a breath and keep trudging along, enjoying my daily walk with my Creator I get an amazing result. Growth in my trust in Him, strength through seasons of hard situations, and faith that can only come with a relationship with Christ. And even when things still don't go as I had planned I can see God at work and doing greater things that I had or could even imagine. Here are a few of those pieces that are my forever reason I keep picking up that paint brush. God gave me this gift to glorify Him and I will do that as long as it stays in His will for my life.